Steven Tuffy, our Assistant Production Manager, rears and breeds birds in his spare time. Ste’s most recent aviculture endeavour has been breeding Song Thrushes, a popular bird known for its loud, beautiful song.

Song Thrush

In Steven’s most recent flight, the mother had rejected two of her young leaving them to fend for themselves. Choosing to hand-rear them, Steven has brought them to our St Helens works every day for the last 3 weeks for hourly feeding, spending time in both Barry’s office (Managing Director) and Bob’s office (Compliance Coordinator).

Song Thrush-3
Hungry boi
Song Thrush 2
Week 1
Week 3

Following their 3 week holiday at NL Williams Group, they’ve grown tremendously well, fledged, and are enjoying a life of luxury in Steven’s aviary at home.


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